Each FIFA 16 gamer has a free ticket for everyone to use in draft mode, gamers can try the draft mode,it is still very interesting. Everyone think that good FIFA 16 player in DEMO burst rate is fifa points account cheap so high, the official game will not like this it?No, you look at 15,000 dollars entrance fee will know.
Draft mode will give FIFA 16 gamers a start several formation, gamer can choose one from several formation, and after choosing not be changed. The next step is to choose the FIFA 16 player, select the player should be the entire DRAFT mode determines the success or failure of local, Need to consider chemical, player ability, bench thickness, etc. This requires you to have some knowledge of UT, Legend believes a FIFA 16 player has any chemical connections, but also to pave the way to DRAFT.
A random position for five players, then each vacancy to substitute five players, all 5-to-1.Do not give a whole fantasy league or nationality, chemically speaking, we try not to covet player ability, and the choice of more than three league FIFA 16 players, because you start to choose the player will directly affect the later, game league players randomly assigned belongs, if you choose too many leagues, fifa points account cheap but not likely to cause chemical situation is very good player. http://www.fifaeasy.com/